Mental Health & Complex Care

“We are professional, exclusive, private, compassionate, respectful and we care.

We deliver the healthcare you deserve” .

Individualised Bespoke Wrap-Around Care Supported Living

At our accommodation, William Waterford provides specialist support staff who are highly trained in the observation and support of complex and vulnerable patients / young people in a variety of circumstances.

The two patient groups we cater to are hospital discharges which William Waterford provides Step-Down Care and patients arriving at Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments, who are then medically assessed to not need hospitalisation, William Waterford provides Hospital Avoidance Care.

We have experienced Mental Health Nurses (RMN’s) and Health Care Assistants (HCAs) who will provide holistic and individual tailored Wrap-Around Care using evidence-based and therapeutic approaches. Our staff are skilled in de-escalation and management intervention (DMI) and are fully restraint-trained in line with CQC-approved training to ensure the utmost patient safety whilst promoting the least restrictive practice. 

Complex Care

Whilst carrying out our initial risk assessments we also complete an environmental assessment to ensure care is delivered in a safe space. William Waterford has clinical documentation which our RMN completes in collaboration with the patient to ensure the continuation of care.

William Waterford is highly experienced at providing care that will be therapeutic whilst maintaining safety using the agreed levels of observation. This expertise offers a consistent level of care for both the physical and mental well-being of the individual patient. William Waterford’s mandate is to work collaboratively with the engaging Trust/Council/Community Teams to ensure our ‘Complex Care Wrap Around Service’ is fully integrated into the patient’s care plan.

Crisis House/Respite Care Homes

William Waterford provides CQC-approved crisis accommodation for patients / young people with complex needs in the community. The crisis house is a 24-hour supported care home, which enables the care the patients / young people need to be carried out in the community and avoid hospital admission. The crisis house is fully staffed with support workers and support from registered nurses. The crisis house is not a permanent solution to accommodation requirements with patients being offered the service for 10 – 14 days prior to longer-term supported living arrangements being made.